
How to be a Lord!

A guide to purchasing your own Title

How to be a Lord in modern times!

In our website you will find a very wide range of impressive and elite titles of nobility available for online purchase. You only need to choose the one you most like, and our impressive package containing your noble title and medal will be yours. Very few have noble titles. You can now belong to a special and privileged minority. Choose to be an outstanding individual. Join the elite right now and be different! Feel the enormous pleasure of being a titled person. The decision is yours. We will do the rest, efficiently, as always.

Our purpose is to indicate you how you too can be a part of the privileged classes, by showing you how you can acquire a lord, lady or baron title, or even a prince title!

German Prince.

These are legal, effective, inheritable royal and noble titles that you can use everywhere for the purpose of changing and improving your life, for display, for show, or for whatever reasons you consider appropriate.

We all need to be different. It is beautiful to imagine a world in which we discover that we also can be part of the nobility, and be Lords, Ladies, Barons, Princes or Princesses. In a way, to become a Lord or Lady, a Baron or a Baroness, is a new and truly fascinating adventure, a life-changing voyage into becoming part of the elite.

The perks of being a Lord, Baron, Count or Prince are many. We all love recognition, social standing and know how to climb the social ladder.

These titles are also impressive gifts for friends and family, and a unique and very interesting way to show that you care for someone else. Also, if you are interested in family values, these titles are very interesting as a way to start a tradition, have something in common with your loved ones and friends, and much more. Above all, you will possess something unique that everybody desires for themselves.

Complete list of Benefits of getting a Lord Title

  1. German Royalty has always been different, arrogant, unapproachable, and exclusive to the point of being distant, with an enormous sense of self-importance.

  2. The Grandeur of the German Lords and Ladies, Barons, Counts and Princes has always been enormous. German Titles are true continental European noble titles, always reminding us of legendary empires and monarchies that ceased to exist, like the German Empire, the Baltic Parts of the Russian Empire, The Austro-Hungarian Empire, and all that “Prisoner of Zenda” flavour.

  3. Through our Germanic titles you will enter a world almost forgotten and be given the opportunity to revive it. A world of beautiful and elegant women, impeccably dressed princes and princesses, amazons that ride horses with the utmost elegance, officers in the style of “Rupert of Hentzau”, sabres, waltzes, mazurkas, and classical music. It is to relive again the world of the “belle époque”, where men were true men and women true women.

  4. The German Baltic flavour, with its mixture of German and Russian styles, makes our titles truly unique, very much in the Ana Karenina and Count Vronski style.

  5. Our titles are different, very few people have them, and so they are exclusive. Our webpage is not very visited, and we want it to stay that way. The more elitist, the better.

  6. Our titles are inheritable!

  7. We always add a guide of correct use and a Master Title Deed, just in case you want to add your name to documents like Credit Cards or Chequebooks and Bank Accounts

  8. We always give you our beautiful medal, the Livonian Blue Max!

  9. The usual privileges attached to this type of titles, like Free Hotel Upgrades, better treatment in Airlines, impressing people, etc.


How to Become a Lord or Lady in our society

Through our website you will be able to find how to make your dream come true and be part of the Ancient European Nobility.


With our noble and royal packages you will be able to obtain an absolutely first class service where you receive a truly magnificent documentation package, with a wonderful set of documents, letters patents with golden seals, historical maps, guide to use your title, a master title deed and also a neck medal in gold and blue enamel, that you can wear in black tie events.

Our Medals are also first class, produced with the best materials, and are an impressive addition to our package. Men and women alike love our medals and young people too. From collectors of curiosities to collectors of honours, from merely curious people to intelligent social climbers and adventurers, many intelligent people buy our services in order to get not only the fantastic documentation package but also our wonderful medals and decorations, in truly “belle époque fashion”, like the very posh German flyboys of The Great War.

German Triplane in action.

Our medals and titles of Lord, Baron, Count or Prince are some of the most appreciated retro-vintage collectible items: Because we do not only provide paperwork and documents, but also art, tradition and craftsmanship, as part of our traditional values. Our medals and decorations, with its artisan touch and mixture of metals are what actually make you become a Lord or Lady, because they do have a soul.

How do you get the title of Lord currently?

We certainly do not live in a Feudal Society anymore , where we are all either Lords or Tenants. Times have changed. However, our method has proven to be extremely effective.

In our Retro-Vintage site for collectors you will find a wide variety of German and European Royal Titles for you to choose. We have titles from the ranks of Lord and Lady to the ranks of Prince and Princess, as well as wonderfully Germanic titles of Baron, Baroness, Count or Countess.

We are sure that our titles will change your life for good. The German Titles of Lord and Lady, as well as other Noble Titles like Baron, Count or Prince have been carefully selected to give you the best glamour experience, as well as our carefully designed medals and beautiful set of documents.

In order to get your title of Lord or any other title, just browse our website, have a look, see the wonderful pictures of the documents, folders, guides and medals that we send, and all will be easier for you. Hopefully, you will have discovered a little new world, old and ancient, in which tradition is still important, and certain social values still matter. If you want to become a nobleman, this is your chance!

How do you get a Lord title in modern times?

In order to buy an effective, usable, legal and actual title that you can use in your daily life and even use it in your documents if needed, you can use our services and choose a title for you or your loved ones. We do have many titles available, including the traditional titles of Lord and Lady. For those with a more romantic style, we do have available the always fashionable titles of Baron and Baroness, with all the reminiscence attached to them. If you feel like a bit more of grandeur is needed, we also have titles of Count and Countess, Marquis or Marchioness. And if you think you deserve something more decadent, we also have the Viscount titles.

German Princes

But there is still more!

If it is not enough, you can always go for the super-titles of Duke and Duchess, or for the most daring and ambitious, you can choose your very own title of Prince and Princess and make the dream come true!

And if you still want something more royal, more German, and even more commanding, with a medieval touch, you can choose the royal titles of Archduke or Prince Elector, almost king-like titles, for those who need something totally different.

So, yes, you still can buy German titles in modern times, and know you know how to do it.

We have titles for everyone, male or female, of any age. If you read carefully through our website you will see the wonderful pictures of our medals and our titles. You will be very happy with our service and will wish to be part of our elite family of titled persons.

Life-changing Motives to buy a German Lord Title

Many clients have reported improvements, upgrades, and fantastic experiences in the following areas:

Some have been offered free upgrades in Airlines

Others have got impressive discount deals and courtesy upgrades in Luxury Cruises and Liners

Some have told that some Boutique Hotels offered them free upgrades to suites

The Best Restaurants suddenly have the best tables available to book!

Banking Upgrades: bank managers do respect the power of a respected name, as image is everything in the financial world!

Free Discounts in many shops and luxury malls!

Elite Clubs: yes, they suddenly open your doors for you!

Increased Respect: we all respect people above our station. You will discover how it feels. It does feel great!

Instant Ice-Breaker and Talking Point: men and women will be more approachable

The ability to influence people effortlessly: yes, it will be much easier, as it is always easier to influence others when you are top of the food chain!

Interesting and Beautiful Men and Women will suddenly listen to You, as many men virtually adore titled women, and many women like titled men.

Don’t get behind! Enjoy the advantage!




While we live in a modern society, in our retro-vintage site for collectors you will indeed find a wide variety of titles of nobility to buy.

We have thought of everything. You will have exactly the following documents at your disposal available with every package:

The Complete List of Royal and Noble Titles we have always available

  1. Lord or Lady
  2. Baron or Baroness
  3. Viscount or Viscountess
  4. Count or Countess
  5. Marquis or Marchioness
  6. Duke or Duchess
  7. Prince or Princess

And the truly different Titles of Archduke and Prince Elector, the kingly titles

All the titles have the same price, 199€, plus 20€ for packing, postage and delivery expenses. We ship worldwide. For 299€ you can buy a pair of titles, the two any titles you most like, at that discounted price.

Single Royal and Noble Title and Royal Medal is EUR €199

Pair of Royal & Noble Titles & Pair of Royal Medals is EUR €299

Postage & Packaging is EUR €20

PayPal is our exclusive and official payment method

Buy now using your Credit/Debit Card/PayPal Account


After the purchase of a title or a pair of titles you will see a link (on the PayPal page) to return here to complete the after sales form with the Title Holder’s details and choose the title you want from our list.

You can see in the pictures the marvelous and impressive documentation set we have prepared for you, including our wonderful neck medal.

Our titles are effective, real and inheritable titles that come with a beautiful neck medal crafted in Gold and Blue Colors, with a Blue Ribbon.

Be Part of the Nobility Now!

How can you get a German Lord Title? The Necessary Steps:

We have made this process simple and easy for you. You only must purchase one of our titles and you will be able to choose any title of nobility from Lord or lady to Baron or Baroness.

This is the method:

Later, we will confirm the order in a maximum of 24 hours, and we will deliver to you in a few days.

Our titles are truly wonderful, come with medals, letters patents, historical maps, ownership certificates, a guide to use your titles and also a Master Title Deed to change your name if you so wish, and a guide about how to add your title to credit cards, check books, etc.

All the titles are inheritable, so if you want to start your own dynasty, this is the best way to do it. These are effective, real, legal and inheritable titles for you to enjoy.

Stand out from the crowd and join the elite immediately.

Kissing prince.

How to add Your Noble Titles to your Personal Documents.

With our titles you can legally change bank accounts, credit cards, cheque-books, driving licenses and passports, if your government agency permits it.

Sometimes, titles may be included in passports as observations.

People who own noble titles are fully and totally entitled to update their personal documents in order to reflect their new status. This being said, it is necessary to say that sometimes clients receive a little resistance to their title change from some institutions. The Credit Cards are by far the easiest ones to change and add your title to it.

Now that you are a step away to belong to the nobility, a whole new world is truly awaiting for you. This is a world where you will experience first-hand an uncanny ability to influence people, and where upgrades and first rate customer service are part of the daily life of the aristocrats.

And we could talk of the airlines, or getting a table at the latest celebrity award-winning restaurant which is always completely booked for months. Certainly exceptions will be made for the new members of the nobility, and probably you will get the best seat in the restaurant.

It is also very true that you may find out a new way to build up your confidence. Did you ever feel intimidated by luxury shops or designer stores? Just get there, and flash your Credit Card with your Noble Title in it, and soon you will have lots of attentive people around listening to your very special needs!

These wonderful benefits do not end with VIP treatment, as you will see that friends and acquaintances are all now extremely attentive and they all listen to you!

A noble title is an incredible source of amusement and when you go to hotels, you might very well experience the pleasure of being upgraded to a luxury suite at no additional charge!

Also, you may have your own stationery. Just imagine the faces of the people you know and waiters in the restaurants

To be the owner of a Noble and Royal Title is a very good feeling!

Get yours now and join the elite!


What Shall I do with my new title of Lord or Lady??

  1. You can enjoy immediately your newly acquired and well deserved VIP status
  2. You might add your new title to some of your documents if you wish so
  3. You might tell your friends what you have
  4. You might enjoy the new, life-changing lifestyle that you are now prepared to appreciate and relish.
  5. You can engage in noble, royal and lord-like activities

List of Lord-like accomplishments are:

The list is virtually endless, as there are many possibilities here, and all depends on what you want to do, even dedicate yourself to the charity world.

These titles are very good, and it is up to you to enjoy them to the full and take advantage of all they can offer to you.


Rewards of getting a Lord Title:

Well, you can enjoy all the above mentioned benefits, but the most important thing is that you will be different. Also, this is a very good gift for women. And even for Children, as it focuses on tradition and the less materialistic side of life, which might prove good to develop family values.

Tradition and Romanticism are very good, and unfortunately, these are concepts in decay in this society. Buying a lady title may give you a sense of the past, a sense of immutability and even some ability to relate to a better past, to a world that does not exist, but perhaps it should.

Indeed you may enjoy the material advantages that we have talked about, but the romantic side is also very important.

If you want to feel “Belle Époque”, our retro-vintage site and our wonderful noble titles are the best for doing it. Do you imagine yourself being a Lady in the Imperial Vienna, or in the Austrian Imperial Venice, now part of Italy, or in wonderful Imperial Saint Petersburg, or even Paris? Our Germanic Lady Titles are the best gift for women, and they are even better if someone buys them for you! Live up the world of class, glamour and elegance that you do deserve!

The Mystery about How to buy a Royal Title: The puzzle has been solved, but the enigma still remains. The wonderful mystic about buying titles of nobility is something deep, a feeling that we always have. The pity is that only a few clever ones who know how things work in life always get away with it. But now that obstacle has been removed, and there is a wide selection of impressive royal titles for sale just for you, a click away from you. If you want to take advantage of our prestigious offers and get your extraordinary and remarkable nobility package with medal, now you can do it!

Steps to buy safely a Title of Nobility: That problem has been solved. Now, with our selection of genuine noble titles and the impressive security of our servers, you can buy safely with us your impressive nobility package and become part of the elite, wear our medals, enjoy to the full the exquisite and secret privileges of the nobility. That is precisely what you always wanted, and now we have made it easy for a few clever individuals.

We leave you now with some images of romanticism and Lords and Ladies in the Belle Époque.

Images do speak louder than words.